The Midwest Jr Super Series would like to congratulate all the 2013 Class Champions. It was great year with many of the championships going down to the final rounds to determine the winners!
Outlaw 330 Champion
Tyler Allison
12.90 Index Class Champion
Clayton Stultz
8.90 Index Class Champion
Kammon Simpson
7.90 Index Class Champion
Kenny Carson
Sportsman Champion
Devin Isenhower
Q16 Champion
Preston Tanner
Super Quick Champion
Kenny Carson
8-9 Year Old Champion
Garrett Skelton
10-12 Year Old Champion
Noah Rambow
13 & Up Champion
Ryan Armer
Thank You to all the families and sponsors that support the Midwest Jr Super Series. We are looking forward to a great 2014 racing season. Bigger and Better things are on the horizon!!! Stay tuned. Have a great winter!!!!!